Event series dates / Sub-events

Resource description

Events can represent whole event series if the has_subevents property of the event is active. In this case, many other resources are additionally connected to an event date (also called sub-event). The sub-event resource contains the following public fields:






Internal ID of the sub-event


multi-lingual string

The sub-event’s full name



The slug of the parent event



If true, the sub-event ticket shop is publicly available.



If true, the sub-event ticket shop is publicly shown in lists.



The sub-event’s start date



The sub-event’s end date (or null)



The sub-event’s admission date (or null)



The sub-date at which the ticket shop opens (or null)



The sub-date at which the ticket shop closes (or null)


multi-lingual string

The description of the event (or null)


multi-lingual string

The sub-event location (or null)



Latitude of the location (or null)



Longitude of the location (or null)


list of objects

List of items for which this sub-event overrides the default price or settings

├ item


The internal item ID

├ disabled


If true, item should not be available for this sub-event

├ available_from


Start of availability (or null)

├ available_until


End of availability (or null)

└ price

money (string)

The price or null for the default price


list of objects

List of variations for which this sub-event overrides the default price or settings

├ variation


The internal variation ID

├ disabled


If true, variation should not be available for this sub-event

├ available_from


Start of availability (or null)

├ available_until


End of availability (or null)

└ price

money (string)

The price or null for the default price



Values set for organizer-specific meta data parameters.



If reserved seating is in use, the ID of a seating plan. Otherwise null.



An object mapping categories of the seating plan (strings) to items in the event (integers or null).



Last modification of this object

Changed in version 4.15: The search query parameter has been added to filter sub-events by their name or location in any language.

Changed in version 5.0: The date_from_before, date_from_after, date_to_before, and date_to_after query parameters have been added.

Changed in version 2023.8.0: For the organizer-wide endpoint, the search query parameter has been modified to filter sub-events by their parent events slug too.


Changed in version 4.1: The with_availability_for parameter has been added.

GET /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/subevents/

Returns a list of all sub-events of an event.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/subevents/ HTTP/1.1
Host: pretix.eu
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": {"en": "First Sample Conference"},
      "event": "sampleconf",
      "active": false,
      "is_public": true,
      "date_from": "2017-12-27T10:00:00Z",
      "date_to": null,
      "date_admission": null,
      "presale_start": null,
      "presale_end": null,
      "seating_plan": null,
      "seat_category_mapping": {},
      "location": null,
      "geo_lat": null,
      "geo_lon": null,
      "item_price_overrides": [
          "item": 2,
          "disabled": false,
          "available_from": null,
          "available_until": null,
          "price": "12.00"
      "variation_price_overrides": [],
      "meta_data": {}
Query Parameters:
  • page – The page number in case of a multi-page result set, default is 1

  • active – If set to true/false, only events with a matching value of active are returned.

  • is_future – If set to true (false), only events that happen currently or in the future are (not) returned.

  • is_past – If set to true (false), only events that are over are (not) returned.

  • date_from_after – If set to a date and time, only events that start at or after the given time are returned.

  • date_from_before – If set to a date and time, only events that start at or before the given time are returned.

  • date_to_after – If set to a date and time, only events that have an end date and end at or after the given time are returned.

  • date_to_before – If set to a date and time, only events that have an end date and end at or before the given time are returned.

  • ends_after – If set to a date and time, only events that happen during of after the given time are returned.

  • search – Only return events matching a given search query.

  • modified_since (datetime) – Only return objects that have changed since the given date. Be careful: This does not allow you to know if a subevent was deleted.

  • attr[meta_data_key] (array) – By providing the key and value of a meta data attribute, the list of sub-events will only contain the sub-events matching the set criteria. Providing ?attr[Format]=Seminar would return only those sub-events having set their Format meta data to Seminar, ?attr[Format]= only those, that have no value set. Please note that this filter will respect default values set on organizer or event level.

  • with_availability_for – If set to a sales channel identifier, the response will contain a special best_availability_state attribute with values of 100 for “tickets available”, values less than 100 for “tickets sold out or reserved”, and null for “status unknown”. These values might be served from a cache. This parameter can make the response slow.

  • organizer – The slug field of a valid organizer

  • event – The slug field of the main event

Status Codes:
POST /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/subevents/

Creates a new subevent.

Permission required: “Can create events”

Example request:

POST /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/subevents/ HTTP/1.1
Host: pretix.eu
Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": {"en": "First Sample Conference"},
  "active": false,
  "is_public": true,
  "date_from": "2017-12-27T10:00:00Z",
  "date_to": null,
  "date_admission": null,
  "presale_start": null,
  "presale_end": null,
  "location": null,
  "geo_lat": null,
  "geo_lon": null,
  "seating_plan": null,
  "seat_category_mapping": {},
  "item_price_overrides": [
      "item": 2,
      "disabled": false,
      "available_from": null,
      "available_until": null,
      "price": "12.00"
  "variation_price_overrides": [],
  "meta_data": {}

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 1,
  "name": {"en": "First Sample Conference"},
  "active": false,
  "is_public": true,
  "date_from": "2017-12-27T10:00:00Z",
  "date_to": null,
  "date_admission": null,
  "presale_start": null,
  "presale_end": null,
  "location": null,
  "geo_lat": null,
  "geo_lon": null,
  "seating_plan": null,
  "seat_category_mapping": {},
  "item_price_overrides": [
      "item": 2,
      "disabled": false,
      "available_from": null,
      "available_until": null,
      "price": "12.00"
  "variation_price_overrides": [],
  "meta_data": {}
  • organizer – The slug field of a valid organizer

  • event – The slug field of the main event

Status Codes:
GET /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/subevents/(id)/

Returns information on one sub-event, identified by its ID.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/subevents/1/ HTTP/1.1
Host: pretix.eu
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 1,
  "name": {"en": "First Sample Conference"},
  "event": "sampleconf",
  "active": false,
  "is_public": true,
  "date_from": "2017-12-27T10:00:00Z",
  "date_to": null,
  "date_admission": null,
  "presale_start": null,
  "presale_end": null,
  "location": null,
  "geo_lat": null,
  "geo_lon": null,
  "seating_plan": null,
  "seat_category_mapping": {},
  "item_price_overrides": [
      "item": 2,
      "disabled": false,
      "available_from": null,
      "available_until": null,
      "price": "12.00"
  "variation_price_overrides": [],
  "meta_data": {}
  • organizer – The slug field of a valid organizer

  • event – The slug field of the main event

  • id – The id field of the sub-event to fetch

Status Codes:
PATCH /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/subevents/(id)/

Updates a sub-event, identified by its ID. You can also use PUT instead of PATCH. With PUT, you have to provide all fields of the resource, other fields will be reset to default. With PATCH, you only need to provide the fields that you want to change.

Permission required: “Can change event settings”

Example request:

PATCH /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/subevents/1/ HTTP/1.1
Host: pretix.eu
Accept: application/json, text/javascript
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": {"en": "New Subevent Name"},
  "item_price_overrides": [
      "item": 2,
      "disabled": false,
      "available_from": null,
      "available_until": null,
      "price": "23.42"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 1,
  "name": {"en": "New Subevent Name"},
  "event": "sampleconf",
  "active": false,
  "is_public": true,
  "date_from": "2017-12-27T10:00:00Z",
  "date_to": null,
  "date_admission": null,
  "presale_start": null,
  "presale_end": null,
  "location": null,
  "geo_lat": null,
  "geo_lon": null,
  "seating_plan": null,
  "seat_category_mapping": {},
  "item_price_overrides": [
      "item": 2,
      "disabled": false,
      "available_from": null,
      "available_until": null,
      "price": "23.42"
  "variation_price_overrides": [],
  "meta_data": {}
  • organizer – The slug field of a valid organizer

  • event – The slug field of the main event

  • id – The id field of the sub-event to update

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – no error

  • 400 Bad Request – The sub-event could not be created due to invalid submitted data.

  • 401 Unauthorized – Authentication failure

  • 403 Forbidden – The requested organizer/sub-event does not exist or you have no permission to update this resource.

DELETE /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/subevents/(id)/

Delete a sub-event. Note that events with orders cannot be deleted to ensure data integrity.

Permission required: “Can change event settings”

Example request:

DELETE /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/subevents/1/ HTTP/1.1
Host: pretix.eu
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Vary: Accept
  • organizer – The slug field of a valid organizer

  • event – The slug field of the main event

  • id – The id field of the sub-event to delete

Status Codes:
GET /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/subevents/

Returns a list of all sub-events of any event series you have access to within an organizer account.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/subevents/ HTTP/1.1
Host: pretix.eu
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": {"en": "First Sample Conference"},
      "event": "sampleconf",
      "active": false,
      "is_public": true,
      "date_from": "2017-12-27T10:00:00Z",
      "date_to": null,
      "date_admission": null,
      "presale_start": null,
      "presale_end": null,
      "location": null,
      "geo_lat": null,
      "geo_lon": null,
      "seating_plan": null,
      "seat_category_mapping": {},
      "item_price_overrides": [
          "item": 2,
          "disabled": false,
          "available_from": null,
          "available_until": null,
          "price": "12.00"
      "variation_price_overrides": [],
      "meta_data": {}
Query Parameters:
  • page – The page number in case of a multi-page result set, default is 1

  • active – If set to true/false, only events with a matching value of active are returned.

  • event__live – If set to true/false, only events with a matching value of live on the parent event are returned.

  • is_future – If set to true (false), only events that happen currently or in the future are (not) returned.

  • is_past – If set to true (false), only events that are over are (not) returned.

  • date_from_after – If set to a date and time, only events that start at or after the given time are returned.

  • date_from_before – If set to a date and time, only events that start at or before the given time are returned.

  • date_to_after – If set to a date and time, only events that have an end date and end at or after the given time are returned.

  • date_to_before – If set to a date and time, only events that have an end date and end at or before the given time are returned.

  • ends_after – If set to a date and time, only events that happen during of after the given time are returned.

  • search – Only return events matching a given search query.

  • sales_channel – If set to a sales channel identifier, the response will only contain subevents from events available on this sales channel.

  • organizer – The slug field of a valid organizer

  • event – The slug field of the event to fetch

Status Codes: