PayPal is one of the many options for handling payments within pretix. Stripe allows handling payments via the following methods: real-time payment via PayPal account, "Buy Now Pay Later" via PayPal account, SEPA direct debit, and alternative payment methods such as SOFORT, giropay, iDEAL and others. This article is going to tell you how to connect to your PayPal account and use it to receive payments via pretix.
Setting up payment providers is handled on the event level, so you need to create an event first. Make sure you have an active PayPal business account. A regular PayPal account is not enough for integration with pretix. You can find instructions on how to sign up for a PayPal business account on the PayPal website.
How To#
Setting up PayPal as a payment provider in pretix involves the following steps:
- Enable the PayPal plugin.
- Connect to your PayPal business account
- Enter mandatory info on the settings page for PayPal
- Make optional adjustments
- Enable payment via PayPal
- Test it
This section will guide you through those steps in detail.
Navigate to navigation pathYour Event then Settings then Plugins. Switch to the Payment providers tab. The PayPal plugin is displayed at the top of the page. It should be enabled by default. If it is enabled, it will have a green " Active" tag and a white Disable button. If it isn't enabled, the tag will be missing and it will have a purple Enable button. Make sure that the plugin is enabled.
Navigate to Your Event → Settings → Payment. The Payment providers tab on this page displays the list of active payment providers. The list should now include an entry for PayPal with a red " Disabled" tag. The plugin is enabled, but PayPal has not been set up and enabled as a payment provider for the event yet. Click on the Settings button next to PayPal. This takes you to the settings page for PayPal, which currently only includes the Connect with PayPal button. Click the button and complete the the login and authorization process with PayPal.
After you have completed the authorization process with PayPal, the PayPal settings page in the pretix backend will look different. Instead of the single button, it will now offer a multitude of settings. Your PayPal merchant ID will be displayed at the top of the page. All settings here are optional. Take a detailed look at the page and enable any settings you want for this payment provider for your event. Once you are satisfied, scroll to the top of the page and check the box next to "enable payment method". PayPal and the other payment methods you enabled on this site will now appear as a payment option for customers in your shop.