

The GetYourGuide integration is currently in Beta. Please contact to enable the integration for your organizer account.


Using third party aggregators, such als GetYourGuide, event organizers can sell tickets to their events not only on their own ticket-shop but also on the aggregator’s portal. While this service is not for free, it allows event organizers to reacher a larger audience that would otherwise not have found their way into the organizers webshop.

Using pretix’ integration with GetYourGuide, event organizers can profit from an additional sales and revenue channel, while keeping the effort for setting up and maintaining multiple ticket shops to a minimum.

Preparing your organizer account

The first step in enabling the GetYourGuide integration, is to setup a corresponding Sales Channel, which will be used to properly attribute the sales generated. This needs to be done only once per organizer account.

To do so, log into the pretix backend, select Organizers from the navigation and then the organizer in question. Extending the Settings-menu, find the Sales channels configuration and click the Add a new channel button.

On the following page, you will be able to select GetYourGuide as the sales channel type and give it a custom name.

Preparing your event

In order to now sell your events on GetYourGuide, you will need to configure each event in question.

  1. Enabling the plugin

    Within your event, extend the Settings menu and navigate to Plugins. Activate the plugin in the Integrations tab.

  2. Sell the event on the sales channel

    Pick the sales channel or channels, on which you would like to sell your event by navigating to the event’s general settings page using the Sell on all sales channels or Restrict to specific sales channels checkboxes.

  3. Configure one or more products to be sold on GetYourGuide

    Either create a new or edit an existing product, that you would like to sell on GetYourGuide. To do so, you will need to have checked the Sell on all sales channels or appropriate Restrict to specific sales channels checkbox of the product within it’s Availability tab. In addition, you will also need to set the GetYourGuide equivalent ticket category in the product’s accordingly named settings tab. Within your event, there can be only one product per ticket category. Depending on your further configuration, you must at least select one product to be in the Adult or Group category.

  4. Configuring the GetYourGuide-plugin

    Once you have configured one or more products to be eligible to be sold on GetYourGuide, you’ll need to configure a few basic settings within the event (Settings –> GetYourGuide). The most important settings can be found the in the Configuration tab, such as the location of the event on sale.

Ticket Categories

While pretix only uses the ticket category term loosely to group together multiple products for nicer display, GetYourGuide is relying on the ticket categories to price the tickets.

First of all, you need to make the decision on how you are planning on selling your tickets on GetYourGuide - in most cases, this will reflect your current sales strategy within your pretix shop.

  • Individual tickets

    Every single person attending will need to purchase their own ticket. A family of two adults and two children will have to purchase and pay for a total of 4 tickets. In this case, you will need to offer at least a ticket of the Adult type, but may offer any other ticket category type (Child, Youth, Senior, …) in addition. But you cannot offer a Group ticket.

  • Group tickets

    Two groups, consisting of 10 and 20 participants respectively, won’t need to purchase a total of 30 tickets, but rather two group tickets. It is up to you to configure the group size limits within the GetYourGuide-settings of your product. Choosing this option, you cannot offer any other ticket categories besides Group.

Setting up event dates and quotas

Of course, in addition to creating products, you will also need to add them to a quota for them to be available for sale. The process for doing this is the very same as for any regular event or event series.


When selling individual tickets through GetYourGuide, you will not be able to offer differing quantities for individual ticket categories.

For this reason, we recommend to place all GetYourGuide-eligible products into the same quota. Should you however opt to create multiple quotas which create an imbalance, pretix will report only the available number of tickets for the lowest relevant quota.

Connecting your event to GetYourGuide

Once you have set up your event and products and performed all necessary configuration, you may want to use the Analyzer-feature of our GetYourGuide-plugin (Settings -> GetYourGuide -> tab Analyzer).

The Analyzer should not display any blocking error messages and at least one event date that is ready for publishing on the GetYourGuide platform.

At this point, you will need to setup your event (called product in the GetYourGuide universe) on their Supplier Portal and connect it with your pretix shop. To do so, please follow the Connecting a new product to your Reservation System on the GetYourGuide Supply Partner Help Center.

Select as your reservation system; the required product ID can be found in the Configuration tab of the GetYourGuide plugin settings page.

From this point on, GetYourGuide will automatically import the availabilities and products and offer them for sale.