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What is markdown?#

In many places of your shop, like frontpage texts, product descriptions and email texts, you can use Markdown to create links, bold text, and other formatted content. Markdown is a good middle-ground since it is way easier to learn than languages like HTML but allows all basic formatting options required for text in those places.


Some fields that are used in one-line context only allow formatting that refers to individual words (such as bold or italic font or a link) but do not allow block-level formatting like lists or headlines.

Formatting rules#

Simple text formatting#

To set a text in italics, you can put it in asterisks or underscores. For example,

Please *really* pay your _ticket_.

will become:

Please really pay your ticket.

If you set double asterisks or underscores, the text will be printed in bold. For example,

This is **important**.

will become:

This is important.

You can also display, for example:

Input this `exactly like this`.

You will get:

Input this exactly like this.

You can create a link by just pasting it in, e.g.

Check this on

will become:

Check this on

However, if you want to control the text of the link, you can put the text of the link in [] brackets and the link target in () parentheses, like this:

Check this on [Wikipedia](

This will yield:

Check this on Wikipedia

All links created with pretix Markdown syntax will open in a new tab.


You can create un-numbered lists by prepending the lines with asterisks.

* First item
* Second item with a text that is too long to
  fit in a line
* Third item

will become:

  • First item
  • Second item with a text that is too long to fit in a line
  • Third item

You can also use numbers as list items

1.  Red
2.  Green
3.  Blue

to get

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue


To create a headline, prepend it with # for the main headline, ## for a headline of the second level, and so on. For example:

# Headline 1
## Headline 2
### Headline 3
#### Headline 4
##### Headline 5
###### Headline 6

We do not recommend using headlines of the first level, as pretix will already set the name of your event as a level-1 headline of the page and HTML pages should have only one headline on the first level.

You can also use


to create a horizontal line, like the following:


Using HTML#

You can also directly embed HTML code, if you want, although we recommend using Markdown, as it enables e.g. people using text-based email clients to get a better plain text representation of your text. Note however, that for security reasons you can only use the following HTML elements:

a, abbr, acronym, b, br, code, div, em, h1, h2,
h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, li, ol, p, pre, s, span, strong,
table, tbody, td, thead, tr, ul

Additionally, only the following attributes are allowed on them:

<a href="…" title="…">
<abbr title="…">
<acronym title="…">
<table width="…">
<td width="…" align="…">
<div class="…">
<p class="…">
<span class="…">

All other elements and attributes will be stripped during parsing.