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Email settings#

pretix offers you many options for contacting your customers and attendees via email—both on the organizer level and on the event level. You can use either the system-provided email server or your organization's own. pretix comes with many pre-configured email messages that you can customize to your needs. This article tells you how to set up your desired email server solution within pretix and how to customize email content.


Your account needs to be activated before you can use pretix to send out emails. See the tutorial's section on account activation for further information.

How To#

General e-mail settings#

By default, the general email settings are handled on the organizer level. Navigate to navigation pathYour organizer then Settings then E-Mail. Click the Edit button next to "Sending method" and choose one of the three options:

  1. Use system default: system-provided email server. Emails will be sent from Emails for customer account registration, email change, and password reset will have your organizer account's name in the name field. All other emails with have the event name in the name field. Your organizer's contact address will be used as the reply-to address. If you want to change the reply-to address, navigate to navigation pathYour organizer then Settings then General, change "Contact address" and click the Save button.
  2. Use system email server with a custom sender address: system-provided email server. Emails will be sent from a custom email address. This requires adding the pretix application server to your mail server's SPF record (see Using system email server with a custom sender address below).
  3. Use a custom SMTP server: Use your organization's own SMTP server and fully customize mailing.

If you want to change the general email settings for an individual event, you can unlock them for that event. Unlocking the settings is irreversible. Once they are unlocked, changing email settings for your organizer does not change the settings for this particular event anymore. Navigate to navigation pathYour event then Settings then E-Mail and click the Unlock buttons as required.

Using system email server with a custom sender address#

If you use an email address with your own domain as the sender address and do not use a custom SMTP server, you have to add the pretix application server to your SPF record. This is necessary to prevent your emails being misidentified as spam.

You can add an SPF record in the administrative console of the provider with whom you registered your domain. The exact process varies from provider to provider. The settings can usually be found on the "DNS records" page or one with a similar name.

If you are using our hosted service at, you can add the following to your SPF record:

A complete record could look like this:

v=spf1 a mx ~all

Consult the SPF specification for the proper implementation.

If you want to authenticate your emails with DKIM, set up a CNAME record for the subdomain pretix._domainkey pointing to CNAME

Contact our support team to enable DKIM for your domain on our mail servers.

If you are sending out a large volume of emails, email providers such as Google Mail also require you to have a DMARC policy. Specifying the DMARC policy as p=none is enough.

Customizing email content#

If you want to customize the content of emails for customer account registration, email change, and password reset, navigate to navigation pathYour organizer then Settings then E-Mail and switch to the E-mail content tab.
All other types of email content are customized on the event level.

If you want to customize the content of emails for orders, purchased products, and payments, navigate to navigation pathYour event then Settings then E-Mail and open the E-mail content tab. Emails related to the customer account are handled on the organizer level.

What follows is a list of all available placeholders, their function and an example. Not all placeholders are available for every type of email. The available placeholders are listed underneath the fields for the email's subject line and body in the backend.

Placeholder Function Example
{attendee_name} name of the attendee represented by the ticket John Doe
{code} order code or voucher code to redeem for the waiting list F8VVL or 68CYU2H6ZTP3WLK5
{comment} reason for the rejection or cancellation of an order An individual text with a reason can be inserted here.
{currency} three-letter code for the event's currency EUR
{event} name of the event Tutorial Conference
{event_admission_time} admission time of the event 6:00 AM
{event_location} location of the event Berthold-Mogel-Straße 1
{event_slug} short form of the event tutcon27
{expire_date} order expiration date 2024-11-13
{hours} the number of hours the voucher code can be redeemed for the waiting list 48
{invoice_company} company from invoice address Sample Corporation
{invoice_name} name from invoice address John Doe
{name} any name that can be used to address the recipient (e.g. name from invoice address, name from first ticket) Mr Doe
{name_family_name} family name of recipient Doe
{name_for_salutation} preferred address, title and name Dr. John Doe
{name_given_name} given name of recipient John
{order_modification_deadline_date_and_time} time and date of the deadline for making modifications to the order June 4, 2027, 6:00 AM
{orders} list of orders including links to their status pages, specific to the “resend link (requested by user)” e-mail • TUTCON27-F8VVL -
{organizer} name of the organizer Tutorial Ltd.
{payment_info} information about the payment method (e.g. banking details) The amount has been charged to your card.
{product} the product that has become available on the waiting list Discount ticket
{refund_amount} in event cancellation emails, the amount of money that will be refunded, including the currency €42.23
{subevent} the relevant event in an event series Tutorial Conference
{subevent_date_form} the date of the relevant event in an event series June 4, 2027, midnight
{total} invoice total for the order 42.23
{total_with_currency} invoice total for the order including localized currency sign €42.23
{url} event level: URL pointing to the order's download/status page or organizer level: account activation URL or
{url_cancel} URL pointing to the order's cancellation page
{url_info_change} URL pointing to the order's ticket information page
{url_products_change} URL pointing to the order's products page of the order
{url_remove} URL that allows the customer to remove themselves from the waiting list

Clicking the Preview tab gives you a preview of the content with placeholders replaced by examples. If you have used a placeholder that is not available for that particular mail, then an error notification is displayed saying "Invalid placeholder: {placeholder}".

The "Free order" email is sent if a customer places an order exclusively containing free products. The "Placed order" email is sent if a customer places an order with a total higher than zero. The "Paid order" email is sent after the payment for an order has been registered. Depending on the payment method, this can be right after the "Placed order" email.

Manually sending out emails#

The settings for emails described above are all tied to certain actions in the pretix backend. However, you can also send out emails at a time of your choosing.

If you want to send out an email right away, navigate to navigation pathYour event then Send out emails then Send email. If your email is related to waiting lists, select Waiting list. If your email is relevant for exhibitors, select Exhibitors. This option is only displayed if the "Exhibitors" plugin is enabled. In all other cases, select Orders or attendees.

You can further restrict who receives the email by product, order status, time that the order was placed, and check-in status. The subject line and message can be customized with text and placeholders. Tickets, calendar files or other files can be attached. Once you are happy with the email's contents, click Preview email. The " Send" button displays the number of matching recipients. You can double-check your settings on the preview page and then click the Send (# matching orders) button.

If you want to schedule emails to be sent out at a later date, navigate to navigation pathYour event then Send out emails then Scheduled emails This page displays a list of all scheduled email rules. You can add a new one by clicking the Create a new rule button. Specify your email contents, recipients, and the date and time at which the email shall be sent. The date and time can be absolute or relative to the event start or end.