Settings storage ================ pretix is highly configurable and therefore needs to store a lot of per-event and per-organizer settings. For this purpose, we use `django-hierarkey`_ which started out as part of pretix and then got refactored into its own library. It has a comprehensive `documentation`_ which you should read if you work with settings in pretix. The settings are stored in the database and accessed through a ``HierarkeyProxy`` instance. You can obtain such an instance from any event or organizer model instance by just accessing ``event.settings`` or ``organizer.settings``, respectively. Any setting consists of a key and a value. By default, all settings are strings, but the settings system includes serializers for serializing the following types: * Built-in types: ``int``, ``float``, ``decimal.Decimal``, ``dict``, ``list``, ``bool`` * ````, ``datetime.datetime``, ``datetime.time`` * ``LazyI18nString`` * References to Django ``File`` objects that are already stored in a storage backend * References to model instances In code, we recommend to always use the ``.get()`` method on the settings object to access a value, but for convenience in templates you can also access settings values at ``settings[name]`` and ````. See the hierarkey `documentation`_ for more information. To avoid naming conflicts, plugins are requested to prefix all settings they use with the name of the plugin or something unique, e.g. ``payment_paypal_api_key``. To reduce redundant typing of this prefix, we provide another helper class: .. autoclass:: pretix.base.settings.SettingsSandbox When implementing e.g. a payment or export provider, you do not event need to create this sandbox yourself, you will just be passed a sandbox object with a prefix generated from your provider name. Forms ----- Hierarkey also provides a base class for forms that allow the modification of settings. pretix contains a subclass that also adds support for internationalized fields: .. autoclass:: pretix.base.forms.SettingsForm You can simply use it like this: .. code-block:: python class EventSettingsForm(SettingsForm): show_date_to = forms.BooleanField( label=_("Show event end date"), help_text=_("If disabled, only event's start date will be displayed to the public."), required=False ) payment_term_days = forms.IntegerField( label=_('Payment term in days'), help_text=_("The number of days after placing an order the user has to pay to " "preserve his reservation."), ) Defaults in plugins ------------------- Plugins can add custom hardcoded defaults in the following way: .. code-block:: python from pretix.base.settings import settings_hierarkey settings_hierarkey.add_default('key', 'value', type) Make sure that you include this code in a module that is imported at app loading time. .. _django-hierarkey: .. _documentation: