.. spelling:word-list:: checkin Scheduled data exports ====================== pretix and it's plugins include a number of data exporters that allow you to bulk download various data from pretix in different formats. You should read :ref:`rest-exporters` first to get an understanding of the basic mechanism. Exports can be scheduled to be sent at specific times automatically, both on organizer level and event level. Scheduled export resource ------------------------- The scheduled export contains the following public fields: .. rst-class:: rest-resource-table ===================================== ========================== ======================================================= Field Type Description ===================================== ========================== ======================================================= id integer Internal ID of the schedule owner string Email address of the user who created this schedule (read-only). This address will always receive the export and the export will only contain data that this user has permission to access at the time of the export. **We consider this field experimental, it's behaviour might change in the future. Note that the email address of a user can change at any time.** export_identifier string Identifier of the export to run, see :ref:`rest-exporters` export_form_data object Input data for the export, format depends on the export, see :ref:`rest-exporters` for more details. locale string Language to run the export in mail_additional_recipients string Email addresses to receive the export, comma-separated (or empty string) mail_additional_recipients_cc string Email addresses to receive the export in copy, comma-separated (or empty string) mail_additional_recipients_bcc string Email addresses to receive the exportin blind copy, comma-separated (or empty string) mail_subject string Subject to use for the email (currently no variables supported) mail_template string Text to use for the email (currently no variables supported) schedule_rrule string Recurrence specification to determine the **days** this schedule runs on in ``RRULE`` syntax following `RFC 5545`_ with some restrictions. Only one rule is allowed, only one occurrence per day is allowed, and some features are not supported (``BYMONTHDAY``, ``BYYEARDAY``, ``BYEASTER``, ``BYWEEKNO``). schedule_rrule_time time Time of day to run this on on the specified days. Will be interpreted as local time of the event for event-level exports. For organizer-level exports, the timezone is given in the field ``timezone``. The export will never run **before** this time but it **may** run **later**. timezone string Time zone to interpret the schedule in (only for organizer-level exports) schedule_next_run datetime Next planned execution (read-only, computed by server) error_counter integer Number of consecutive times this export failed (read-only). After a number of failures (currently 5), the schedule no longer is executed. Changing parameters resets the value. ===================================== ========================== ======================================================= Special notes on permissions ---------------------------- Permission handling for scheduled exports is more complex than for most other objects. The reason for this is that there are two levels of access control involved here: First, you need permission to access or change the configuration of the scheduled exports in the moment you are doing it. Second, you **continuously** need permission to access the **data** that is exported as part of the schedule. For this reason, scheduled exports always need one user account to be their **owner**. Therefore, scheduled exports **must** be created by an API client using :ref:`OAuth authentication `. It is impossible to create a scheduled export using token authentication. After the export is created, it can also be modified using token authentication. A user or token with the "can change settings" permission for a given organizer or event can see and change **all** scheduled exports created for the respective organizer or event, regardless of who created them. A user without this permission can only see **their own** scheduled exports. A token without this permission can not see scheduled exports as all. Endpoints for event exports --------------------------- .. http:get:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/scheduled_exports/ Returns a list of all scheduled exports the client has access to. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/scheduled_exports/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "count": 1, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 1, "owner": "john@example.com", "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_previous"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "schedule_next_run": "2023-10-26T02:00:00Z", "error_counter": 0 } ] } :query integer page: The page number in case of a multi-page result set, default is 1 :query string ordering: Manually set the ordering of results. Valid fields to be used are ``id``, ``export_identifier``, and ``schedule_next_run``. Default: ``id`` :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer to fetch :param event: The ``slug`` field of the event to fetch :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer/event does not exist **or** you have no permission to view this resource. .. http:get:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/scheduled_exports/(id)/ Returns information on one scheduled export, identified by its ID. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/scheduled_exports/1/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "owner": "john@example.com", "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_previous"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "schedule_next_run": "2023-10-26T02:00:00Z", "error_counter": 0 } :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer to fetch :param event: The ``slug`` field of the event to fetch :param id: The ``id`` field of the scheduled export to fetch :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer/event does not exist **or** you have no permission to view this resource. .. http:post:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/scheduled_exports/ Schedule a new export. .. note:: See above for special notes on permissions. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/scheduled_exports/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript Content-Type: application/json { "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_previous"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 Created Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "owner": "john@example.com", "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_previous"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "schedule_next_run": "2023-10-26T02:00:00Z", "error_counter": 0 } :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer of the event to create an item for :param event: The ``slug`` field of the event to create an item for :statuscode 201: no error :statuscode 400: The item could not be created due to invalid submitted data. :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer/event does not exist **or** you have no permission to create this resource. .. http:patch:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/scheduled_exports/(id)/ Update a scheduled export. You can also use ``PUT`` instead of ``PATCH``. With ``PUT``, you have to provide all fields of the resource, other fields will be reset to default. With ``PATCH``, you only need to provide the fields that you want to change. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http PATCH /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/scheduled_exports/1/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 94 { "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_this"}, } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "owner": "john@example.com", "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_this"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "schedule_next_run": "2023-10-26T02:00:00Z", "error_counter": 0 } :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer to modify :param event: The ``slug`` field of the event to modify :param id: The ``id`` field of the export to modify :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 400: The export could not be modified due to invalid submitted data :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer/event does not exist **or** you have no permission to change this resource. .. http:delete:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/events/(event)/scheduled_exports/(id)/ Delete a scheduled export. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/events/sampleconf/scheduled_exports/1/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Vary: Accept :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer to modify :param event: The ``slug`` field of the event to modify :param id: The ``id`` field of the export to delete :statuscode 204: no error :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer/event does not exist **or** you have no permission to delete this resource. Endpoints for organizer exports --------------------------- .. http:get:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/scheduled_exports/ Returns a list of all scheduled exports the client has access to. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/scheduled_exports/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "count": 1, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 1, "owner": "john@example.com", "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_previous"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "schedule_next_run": "2023-10-26T02:00:00Z", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "error_counter": 0 } ] } :query integer page: The page number in case of a multi-page result set, default is 1 :query string ordering: Manually set the ordering of results. Valid fields to be used are ``id``, ``export_identifier``, and ``schedule_next_run``. Default: ``id`` :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer to fetch :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer does not exist **or** you have no permission to view this resource. .. http:get:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/scheduled_exports/(id)/ Returns information on one scheduled export, identified by its ID. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/scheduled_exports/1/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "owner": "john@example.com", "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_previous"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "schedule_next_run": "2023-10-26T02:00:00Z", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "error_counter": 0 } :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer to fetch :param id: The ``id`` field of the scheduled export to fetch :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer does not exist **or** you have no permission to view this resource. .. http:post:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/scheduled_exports/ Schedule a new export. .. note:: See above for special notes on permissions. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/scheduled_exports/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript Content-Type: application/json { "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_previous"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 Created Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "owner": "john@example.com", "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_previous"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "schedule_next_run": "2023-10-26T02:00:00Z", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "error_counter": 0 } :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer of the event to create an item for :statuscode 201: no error :statuscode 400: The item could not be created due to invalid submitted data. :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer does not exist **or** you have no permission to create this resource. .. http:patch:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/scheduled_exports/(id)/ Update a scheduled export. You can also use ``PUT`` instead of ``PATCH``. With ``PUT``, you have to provide all fields of the resource, other fields will be reset to default. With ``PATCH``, you only need to provide the fields that you want to change. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http PATCH /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/scheduled_exports/1/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 94 { "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_this"}, } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "owner": "john@example.com", "export_identifier": "orderlist", "export_form_data": {"_format": "xlsx", "date_range": "week_this"}, "locale": "en", "mail_additional_recipients": "mary@example.org", "mail_additional_recipients_cc": "", "mail_additional_recipients_bcc": "", "mail_subject": "Order list", "mail_template": "Here is last week's order list\n\nCheers\nJohn", "schedule_rrule": "DTSTART:20230118T000000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,WE,TH", "schedule_rrule_time": "04:00:00", "schedule_next_run": "2023-10-26T02:00:00Z", "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "error_counter": 0 } :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer to modify :param id: The ``id`` field of the export to modify :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 400: The export could not be modified due to invalid submitted data :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer does not exist **or** you have no permission to change this resource. .. http:delete:: /api/v1/organizers/(organizer)/scheduled_exports/(id)/ Delete a scheduled export. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http DELETE /api/v1/organizers/bigevents/scheduled_exports/1/ HTTP/1.1 Host: pretix.eu Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Vary: Accept :param organizer: The ``slug`` field of the organizer to modify :param id: The ``id`` field of the export to delete :statuscode 204: no error :statuscode 401: Authentication failure :statuscode 403: The requested organizer does not exist **or** you have no permission to delete this resource. .. _RFC 5545: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5545#section-