.. highlight:: none Installing a development version ================================ If you want to use a feature of pretix that is not yet contained in the last monthly release, you can also install a development version with pretix. .. warning:: When in production, we strongly recommend only installing released versions. Development versions might be broken, incompatible to plugins, or in rare cases incompatible to upgrade later on. Manual installation ------------------- You can use ``pip`` to update pretix directly to the development branch. Then, upgrade as usual:: $ source /var/pretix/venv/bin/activate (venv)$ pip3 install -U "git+https://github.com/pretix/pretix.git#egg=pretix" (venv)$ python -m pretix migrate (venv)$ python -m pretix rebuild (venv)$ python -m pretix updatestyles # systemctl restart pretix-web pretix-worker Docker installation ------------------- To use the latest development version with Docker, first pull it from Docker Hub:: $ docker pull pretix/standalone:latest Then change your ``/etc/systemd/system/pretix.service`` file to use the ``:latest`` tag instead of ``:stable`` as well and upgrade as usual:: $ systemctl restart pretix.service $ docker exec -it pretix.service pretix upgrade