Directory structure =================== All the source code lives in ``src/``, which has several subdirectories. pretix/ This directory contains nearly all source code that belongs to pretix. base/ This is the Django app containing all the models and methods which are essential to all of pretix's features. control/ This is the Django app containing the front end for organizers. presale/ This is the Django app containing the front end for users buying tickets. api/ This is the Django app containing all views and serializers for pretix' :ref:`rest-api`. helpers/ Helpers contain a very few modules providing workarounds for low-level flaws in Django or installed 3rd-party packages. locale/ Contains translation file for pretix multidomain/ Additional code implementing our customized :ref:`URL handling `. static/ Contains all static files (CSS/SASS, JavaScript, images) of pretix' core. We use libsass as a preprocessor for CSS. Our own sass code is built in the same step as Bootstrap and FontAwesome, so their mixins etc. are fully available. testutils/ Contains helper methods that are useful to write the test suite for pretix or test suites for pretix plugins. tests/ This is the root directory for all test codes. It includes subdirectories ``api``, ``base``, ``control``, ``presale``, ``helpers``, ``multidomain`` and ``plugins`` to mirror the structure of the pretix source code as well as ``testdummy``, which is a pretix plugin used during testing.