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Custom domain#

By default, a shop built with pretix can be accessed at an URL such as https://pretix.eu/tut/tutcon27. This example uses our hosted service, so the domain is pretix.eu. The organizer short form is tut and the event short form is tutcon27.

You can also use a custom domain for your tickets shops. This article tells you how to set up a custom domain and how to enable it for your events.


You need to own the domain which you want to use as your custom domain.

Custom domains are set up on the organizer level. You need access to an organizer account if you want to enable customer accounts. You also need access to each event shop for which you want to use the custom domain.

How To#

The setup of custom domains depends on whether you are using pretix Hosted and your shops are hosted at pretix.eu; or you have installed pretix on your own server (pretix Enterprise or pretix Community). Please refer to the subsection appropriate to your use case below.

pretix Hosted#

Navigate to NavigationspfadYour organizer dann Settings dann Custom domain. This page displays a DNS record similar to the following:

CNAME tut.cname.pretix.eu.

This DNS record will be different for you. Create a new subdomain with your domain registrar or DNS provider using the DNS record displayed here. The exact process depends on your domain registrar or DNS provider. Typically, the user interface will have a menu called "DNS entries", "DNS settings" or something similar.

Wait for the changes to take place. This may take a few minutes or a few hours.

Open the pretix backend and navigate to NavigationspfadYour organizer dann Settings dann Custom domain In the "Domain name" field, enter the subdomain you just created. Under "Domain usage", assign the domain one of three roles.

The "Organizer main domain" will be used for your organizer page as well as all events with no other domain specified. The "Event domain" will be used for a single event. The "Alternative domain" can be selected for some of your events individually. See section Moving an event to an alternative domain below for further information.

The events assigned to the alternative domain will be displayed on the alternative domain. The organizer page will not be displayed on the alternative domain. Instead, users will be redirected to the organizer main domain listing all events.

Once you have made your choices, click the Setup domain button. It may take a few minutes for the changes to take place.

pretix Enterprise and pretix Community#

If you are using pretix Enterprise or pretix Community, configure your webserver or reverse proxy to pass requests to the new domain to pretix. The exact process depends on your setup.

Navigate to NavigationspfadYour organizer dann Settings and open the Domains tab. Click the Add domain button. A new empty line will appear on the page. In that new line, enter the name of the new domain in the "Domain name" field.

Select a mode for the new domain. The "Organizer domain" will be used for your organizer page as well as all events with no other domain specified. The "Event domain" will be used for a single event. You will have to specify an event in the "Event" field. The "Alternative organizer domain for a set of events" can be selected for some of your events individually. See section Moving an event to an alternative domain below for further information.

The events assigned to the alternative domain will be displayed on the alternative domain. The organizer page will not be displayed on the alternative domain. Instead, users will be redirected to the organizer main domain listing all events.

Moving an event to an alternative domain#

If you have set up a domain in "Alternative domain" mode (pretix Hosted) or in "Alternative organizer domain for a set of events" mode (pretix Enterprise and pretix Community), you will have to then move those events to the alternative domain.

In order to do so, navigate to NavigationspfadYour event Settings → General:. On the Basics tab, click the "Domain" drop-down menu. The default setting is "Same as organizer account". Select your alternative domain from the list and click the Save button.